On-going EU-Funded projects

Seamless-PV (2023-2027)
Budget: 16M€
15 partners from 5 different countries. Development of advanced equipment and manufacturing processes for the successful integration of multifunctional PV solutions enabling the deployment of integrated PV sectors (IPV: BIPV, IIPV, VIPV, AgriPV).
Our role: We conduct market analysis, competitive analysis, life cycle analysis (LCA), as well as business model and industry strategy definition.

EVER PV (2023-2026)
Budget: 5M€
16 partners from 8 different countries. EVER PV's objective is to provide the EU with efficient solutions for a sustainable treatment of end-of-life PV panels and recovery of high purity and high integrity materials (glass, silver, encapsulant and backsheet polymers).
Our role: We conduct life cycle costing assessment (LCC) and social life cycle assessment of recycling technologies.

SPHINX (2023-2027)
Budget: 16M€
13 partners from 7 different countries. SPHINX's objective is to achieve pre-fabricated, modular BIPV elements via a flexible production pilot lines and develop integrated PV products, implementing new manufacturing technologies at pilot lines and demonstrate these innovation in 5 demonstration sites.
Our role: We conduct market analysis, competitiveness analysis, life cycle costing as well as business model and industry strategy definition. And address barriers to social acceptance and product longevity.

ProLight (2022-2026)
Budget: 3M€
16 partners from 10 different countries. The project studies in 6 districts: in Austria, Finland, Italy, Greece, Spain, and Portugal how to combine innovative renovation technologies, new sustainable business models and local citizen participation.
Our role: We assess the replicability potential of the innovations, perform economic and impact analyses, and support the partners in the exploitation of the results.

CACTUS (2023-2025)
Budget: 1.4M€
9 partners from 7 different countries. CACTUS aims to develop a bi-regional and sustainable ecosystem of complementary RIs, strengthening the knowledge and collaboration between the EU and LAC regions, by enabling the research of solar and photovoltaic technologies adapted to different climate conditions
Our role: We conduct communication, dissemination and operational tasks, and participate in full life cycle analyses (LCA), business model definition and stakeholder analysis and engagement.

IBC4 EU (2022-2025)
Budget: 17M€
17 partners from 10 different countries. Development and demonstration at pilot scale of competitive and sustainable industrial production of PV products based on IBC technology, along the value chain (ingots, wafers, cells, modules).
Our role: We conduct market analysis, competitiveness analysis, life cycle assessment (LCA), as well as business model and industrial strategy definition.

NEXUS (2022-2025)
Budget: 3.6M€
12 partners from 9 different countries. Development of perovskite-Si tandem PV technologies via a new European global eco-design paradigm based on efficiency, costs, sustainability, circularity and social aspects.
Our role: We carry out communication, dissemination, exploitation tasks, and participate in cost, life cycle assessment (LCA), business model definition and industrial strategies.

VALHALLA (2023-2026)
Budget: 4M€
12 partners from 8 different countries. Development of perovskite PV cells and modules guided by eco-design principles, focusing on lead-based perovskites.
Our role: We conduct communication, dissemination, and operational tasks, and participate in full life cycles analyses (LCA), business model definition, and industrial strategies.

PROMISE (2022-2025)
Budget: 1.5M€
7 partners from 6 different countries. PROMISE aims to create an alliance of photovoltaic excellence through scientific, engineering and research performance within the Maltese research community reliability of existing and emerging module technologies and systems.
Our role: We carry out communication, dissemination and exploitation tasks.

VIPERLAB (2021-2024)
Budget: 5.5M€
15 partners from 9 different countries. Accelerate the development of perovskite PV in Europe, through collaborations between academics and industry, facilitating access to the best perovksite research facilities in Europe.
Our role: We conduct market and competitiveness analyses of perovskite technologies.

SERENDI-PV (2020-2024)
Budget: 12M€
19 partners from 7 different countries. Development of advanced modelling, simulation and design tools to improve PV penetration through a better understanding of installed capacity and intelligent digital energy models.
Our role: We conduct market analysis, competitiveness and business model developments tasks, as well as exploitation of the results.
Completed EU-Funded projects

BIPV-BOOST (2021-2023)
Budget: 11.5M€
19 partners from 7 different countries. Cost reduction of building integrated PV (BIPV) solutions and processes along the value chain, contributing to a wide implementation of BIPV in (near) zero energy buildings (nZEB).
Our role: We carried out tasks related to market and regulatory analysis as well as the exploitation of the results.

SUPER-PV (2018-2022)
Budget: 11.5M€
26 partners from 11 different countries. Development of superior PV systems (using technologies such as bifacial modules or thin-film CIGS modules) aimed at reducing the LCOE of PV systems.
Our role: We performed techno-economic analyses that help estimate the impact of SUPER PV results.
R2EC (2019-2022)
Budget: 1.5M€
11 partners from 3 different countries. Development of a scalable system of interactions between decentralized nuclei of local renewable energy production, such as PV systems, storage, electrical heating and mobility solutions.
Our role: We conducted work on user integration and business model development.

PEARL PV (2017-2022)
Budget: 72M€
34 partners from 20 different countries. To improve the performance and reliability of PV systems in Europe through the formation of an inclusive network of research across multiple countries and data used to evaluate and simulate PV systems.
Our role: We ensured coordination between industry and project partners for smooth data collection and dissemination.

PV IMPACT (2019-2022)
Budget: 1M€
11 partners from 5 different countries. Supporting innovation in PV technologies through the development of industrial research and innovation (R&I) projects, fostering robust R&I strategies and monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) for PV.
Our role: We were involved as a technical specialist bridging the gap between research organizations and industry, fostering the emergence of innovative projects.